Artificial intelligence for the differential diagnosis of skeletal dysplasias
UKB NewsRoom: Drei GO-Bio initial Projekte starten in Bonn
Artificial Intelligence detects rare genetic diseases even more accurately
Health Tech World: Is facial recognition AI the key to earlier diagnosis?
University of Bonn News: Facial analysis improves diagnosis
News Medical: Artificial intelligence uses facial features to better diagnose rare genetic diseases Facial analysis improves diagnosis
Too many disk galaxies than theory allows
University of Bonn News: Observations fit poorly with the Standard Model of Cosmology
Discovery of three new faint dwarf galaxies around NGC 253 Astronomers discover three new faint dwarf galaxies
Galaxies lacking dark matter in the Illustris cosmological simulation
Charles University of Prague news: Simulated galaxies without dark matter
University of Bonn News: Simulation zeigt: Es gibt Galaxien ohne Dunkle Materie
Nature article on Modified Newtonian Dynamics and a galaxy “lacking dark matter” Gravity theory saved from death Widerlegt eine Zwerg-Galaxie die MOND-Theorie? Revitalizan una teoría de la gravedad que no precisa materia oscura Nicht so schnell mit MOND – Die Zwerggalaxie NGC1052-DF2 als kritischer Test für MOND und das Dunkle Materie Modell
Discovery of a dwarf galaxy behind the Andromeda galaxy Donatiello I Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy Donatiello I, arriva la conferma, un pugliese scopre una nuova galassia
Sky & Telescope: Dwarf Galaxy Found by Amateur
My discoveries of 11 very faint hitherto unknown galaxies Astronomers discover low surface brightness galaxies with amateur telescopes